GDPR Statement:
This website ( does not track or collect any data from it’s visitors. The retention of user data on the “Comments” page is simply held, for your convenience, in your PC.
This “cookie” contains no personal data and is discarded when you remove the “tick” to do so , or opt to “clear data” in your browser.
For members:-
The club holds only that information required to contact the members, such as name & address, telephone numbers, email addresses and car details. This information is held securely by the Membership Secretary and not distributed outside the club. All electronic data is stored securely, as required by GDPR regulations, and is not available to, or through, this website.
Such information that is required to be made available to other club members (i.e. the committee and event organisers in order to perform their various roles) is done so on the understanding that this data will be only be used for the specific need, and will be destroyed once that need is no longer required.
Should a member leave the club all their details will be immediately destroyed, although vehicle photographs may remain for historic reference.
Every attempt will be made to obscure club member’s vehicle registration details contained in photographs submitted via the webmaster ; however, please note that for future photographs posted directly to the website, it is the user’s responsibility to conceal such data if they so wish. (NB. Photographs carried over from the old website may show registration details; these will be removed as soon as possible – any member requiring this to be done immediately should contact the webmaster).
Members submitting images & documents for posting on this site will be asked to use one of the club email addresses (which can be obtained from the webmaster) should they wish to receive replies to their posts, rather than using their personal addresses, and refrain from allowing any embedded location data to be used in order to protect their anonymity.
Links to other websites:
Any links to other websites that we may make available are taken at the users discretion as we cannot be responsible for the content and security of other sites.
Your data rights:
Users have the right to any of their data on this website and can ask for anything to be changed or erased simply by sending a request to the webmaster. Please see the “Contacts” web page for further details.